I AM A ...

Theatre musing over a long cup of coffee! A reality check with a few established Melbourne theatre makers and institutions, one morning in October 2019.

Roman Berry

10/11/20212 min read

I am a theatre-maker. A theatre director. A movement director. A choreographer. A performer.

I am PASSIONATE about all things ARTS. I also know the reality of the competitiveness and the limited opportunities the industry has to offer, especially, back home now, in Melbourne!

It’s easy to be frustrated. Often questioning the ‘why’ in keeping it going! Sometimes the trigger comes from a phrase, “ah, you’re the struggling artist” or “when are you going to get a real job” - meant to be in jest, but often wondered the truth in the delivery. I react, laugh it off and yes, questions of self worth sneaks in. Most times though, I don’t let it affect me... I think of the joy & the global connections, of the milestone projects that’s happened, of the humble beginnings.

And I reaffirm - I’ve survived!

BUT ... the reality is, it's also about your attitude to the journey. Your commitment to the creative path. It’s about having real conversations with different individuals, mentors, collaborators and to some extent - the 'non ARTS believer(s)'.

As creatives, we are storytellers. We invest on our artistic passion, by creating more, experiencing, immersing different forms & learning from others. We commit to honing in on our specialised craft, training, deconstructing and even experimenting with passion & dedication.

The path is sometimes rough. Encounter barriers, yet, keep going. LUCK does present itself - often takes you by surprise. There’s also the uphill battle with letting your voice heard, several mountains to climb & YES, overcome!

Being a Theatre Maker by Roman Berry
Being a Theatre Maker by Roman Berry

YET, together with support from likeminded individuals, your BELIEF, ENERGY & LOVE of what you do best, will always see you through. Trust. Never Give Up! I am thankful for having positive people, supportive family, friends & colleagues around. For this, I am truly grateful!

Musings Over a Cup of Coffee by Roman Berry
Musings Over a Cup of Coffee by Roman Berry

A reflection over a long cup of brewed coffee, from 2019. Got reminded by this FB post of mine, two years ago. Just got back from London after ten years and felt like an outsider in the Melbourne Theatre scene. A lot have changed since this moment, but the message still resonates for me to this day, but tinged with hope. Thought I'd share it here...

#respect #hustle #independenttheatre #makingithappen #supporteachother